Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I need Ramadan.You need ramadan. We all NEED ramadan.

Indeed. yes we do need ramadan after all this world now full off tyrannical obscene people bullshits and whatnot.

Ramadan is approaching in about a week time yay! Alhamdulillah i managed to qada all my fasting last late spring and i kept and remorsefully say to myself : ruginya tak ganti puasa masa winter haritu. But came to think of it,  all things comes in a good reason. I can practise to fast during long hours day!

Im trying struggling to think well of people around me. I found that life is much easier that way. Maybe they are struggling or fighting a battle of their own that we have no idea about. Maybe they have lotsa money, can managed to buy anything, go about everywhere in the world, and even though sometimes you can find these people kinda boasting about what they have, I always always always say to myself : they just wanted to share their happiness to the world, let them be and be happy for them! I found myself genuinely happy with just instant cuppa coffe in my hand! My dear friend once told me how people around her have a Gucci just for shoes and LV Alma what is that i dont know handbags and my reaction was, What is that alma lv? ok kidding. I told her to be happy and calm and just focus to our study, let them buy all that sorts as they can afford to! Maybe they already give more to those in need more than we give, who knows? here we are thinking about how life is unfair to us but the people that we are referring to already done their part in this world, again, who knows? Allah knows. Seriously, their heart or intention is not a page of a book that we can read or tell. So why we can easily assumed they are boasting or showing off?

Same goes to a couple without a child yet. Dearies, please be patient and Allah is there with you. Be happy for those with children because you have no idea what a parent facing everyday with the kids LOL! Yes, kids can be adorable, funny and lovely awwwww......but all that comes with a price (if you know what i mean read tantrums, bad moods, wee wee and poo poo let alone lack of sleep!). Be grateful for what you have in hand:point blank! 

For that cant you see that Allah is great? And the most fair to all of His servants? And always remember that Allah knows what is there hidden in your heart. Dont ever think that life brings you unfair to what that you did not get, in fact the things that you want maybe bad for you.

Lets make a target to read more Quran this ramadan and continue the reading afterwards? Jom? Read also the tafsir, as it is the way that you can listen Allah talking to you. Like it happened to me every.single. time! When i do have a problem or uneasiness feeling, open up a Quran and bamm! an ayat related to my problem is there and solving my calamity. (reminder to myself too as im constantly battling with the fluctuating iman)

Just be kind, and you do just fine. Now where is my Asda instant coffee 47p per bottle come here to momma! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Kekasih nombor satu Aku.

Aku bukan nak tunjuk alim. Aku sedar ilmu agama aku takdela tinggi mana pun. Tapi aku nak cerita satu kejadian sebenar dalam hidup aku..

Masa matriks dulu, kawan aku ada satu radio, so bila dorang balik tinggal aku sorang tak balik (entah kenapa aku tak balik masa tu aku pun tak tahu..maybe sebab dah setiap minggu pon aku balik, kot?) Dan aku pasang la radio tu, tiba-tiba keluar pasal ceramah nabi Muhammad S.A.W saat kewafatan baginda.

Air mata aku turun macam Niagara waterfall masa tu. Sedih sangat bila terkenangkan macam mana Rasulullah sampai saat akhir hidup dia masih fikirkan kita umat dia lagi. Subhanallah..

Tu belum lagi cerita kisah perjuangan baginda, yang kena baling batu masa nak sebarkan dakwah islam, sampaikan Jibril tanya nak ke dia angkat gunung tu dan timpakan kepada orang yang buat naya kepada dia tu.. Tapi dia tolak sebab sayangkan orang yang buat dia. Kalau kita?

Dan air mata aku laju bila tengok ni

Dia ada full version. Silalah tengok kat youtube eh? Untung Al Fadil UStaz Haron Din, Subhanallah, dia antara orang yang beruntung. Nak mimpi Rasulullah bukan senang, tahap aku ni macam mustahil je nak mimpi Rasulullah. Tapi hati ni teringinnnn sangat..

Bila fikir pasal dia rasa rindu sangat-sangat. Rasa macam sayuuu je hati..kenapa eh? 

Baru-baru ni tengok cerita Umar MBC, pon mengundang air mata je selalu cerita ni. Allahu.. Taktau nak cakap macam mana..Aku tak pandai bahasa arab, jadi terkial-kial juga nak paham cerita tu. Ya Allah, aku nak sangat paham bahasa arab..

Selawat dan salam buat Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W. 

Dia, kekasih nombor satu aku..

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Beer and ME

Kejadian semalam. Pasal "Beer"

Post Doc aku dua orang ni mula-mula cerita pasal Indian food, vegetarian food etc sampaila ke topik beer dan entah macam mana aku pun terpanggil nak tanya soalan pasal minuman keras ni. Saja aku nak join in the conversation, takde modal sangat pun nak berborak masa tu..

Aku:So, do u get drunk with a can of beer?

Post Doc: Normally it would take me about 6-8 cans of beer to get drunk. I tend to drink more if im with my rugby buddies because rugby and drinks comes hand in hand (read:complement to each other,kononnya)

Aku: OOO i see (masa ni dah takde idea nak kata apa dah.)

Tetiba aku teringat ceramah Dr Maza tu dia ada mention the best arak in the world made in Iran, a place called Shiraz, thus the drink named after the place.

Aku: Do you know that the best spirits drink is from Iran a place name Shiraz? 

Okay masa ni dua-dua post doc tu buat muka tak setuju dah hahahahaha. Padan muka kau norazrin! Patut nya ayat kau kena mcam ni :

"Is it right that the best liquor is from Shiraz?" 


Moral of the story: Kalau tak pandai, baik kau diam je. Tak related pun beer dengan kau. Lainla dia tanya pasal belacan ke, barula ko boleh tunjuk pandai!Kahkahkah